Noel Ruiz
Graphic + Interface Design


My name’s Noel. I’ve been creating stuff for as long as I can remember.
As a child growing up in a not-so-safe neighborhood, I spent most of my time inside doing whatever I could to keep myself occupied. But what was the most successful in keeping me entertained was drawing. Drawing quickly became my favorite thing to do and as I quickly found my enjoyment in creating things, I explored different mediums as I grew older. My exploration of art finally lead me here: Graphic Design, a medium I explore and experiment with regularly. Continuing to grow and continuing to improve.

Along with creating art I enjoy and like into indulge in various forms of media. You’ll most likely find me playing video games on my free time; taking out my 3DS on the bus to play some Super Smash Bros. or keeping track of my StreetPasses while out shopping. Other times I like to enjoy some good ol’ violent comics. I’m a pretty big fan of the original Mirage Studios Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Mark Miller’s fantastic Kick-Ass series. And of course, Batman. You pretty much can’t dislike Batman. I mean, he’s Batman. As for the type of films I prefer, I mostly watch horror. Can’t really say which are my favorite, but if you like horror I can totally recommend you Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Trust me, it’s pretty scary. 

2014 © Noel Ruiz